Flip selection firealpaca
Flip selection firealpaca

flip selection firealpaca

We initially made release candidates, but they proved ineffective in finding bugs because nobody would use them. To address this, we will not be making release candidates anymore and will instead be releasing a bug fix version a relatively short time after each feature release so that we can quickly fix bugs resulting from big changes and distribute those fixes to our users in a timely manner. This release, and all future releases ending in an even number will be bug fix releases.


These releases will not introduce any new functionality, but we still strongly recommend you update so that you can avoid potential crashes and other issues.Īll versions ending in an odd number will be feature releases. The next release, v0.6.5 will be one such release and is slated to have many new features including possibly a new undo/redo system, x-sheet support, new layer manipulation operations, and more. Because they require more work, the feature releases will take longer than the bug fix releases. This released focused on fixing as many issues a possible, however as a small team, there are only so many things we can fix at a time. Here is a non-exhaustive list of bugs that we are already aware of, but were unable to fix in this release. Rest assured, we will do our best to fix all of them eventually. Possible fixes will be reviewed for v0.6.5.#1033 Sound import and playback does not work with the Linux AppImage.Workaround: use flatpak or your distro package manager (if it offers the latest version).#1117 The CLI (Command-Line Interface) export operation consumes more memory than exporting from within the editor itself.#How to flip selection firealpaca update.

Flip selection firealpaca